How to protect yourself from the Novel Coronavirus, here are the recommendation by WHO

WHO’s standard recommendations for the general public to reduce exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses are as follows, which include hand and respiratory hygiene, and safe food practices:
  • Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water;
  • When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissue away immediately and wash hands;
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough;
  • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health care provider;
  • When visiting live markets in areas currently experiencing cases of novel coronavirus, avoid direct unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals;
  • The consumption of raw or undercooked animal products should be avoided. Raw meat, milk or animal organs should be handled with care, to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods, as per good food safety practices.

Illness Severity
Both MERS and SARS have been known to cause severe illness in people. The complete clinical picture with regard to 2019-nCoV is still not fully clear. Reported illnesses have ranged from infected people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying. Learn more about the symptoms associated with 2019-nCoV.

There are ongoing investigations to learn more. This is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated as it becomes available.

Confirmed Global Cases:
Coronavirus Global Cases
The illness first identified in China, & spreading to other countries. Confirmed Cases of the Novel Coronavirus infection are found in the below mentioned countries as of 28th of January, 2020.
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Macau
  • Taiwan
  • Australia
  • Cambodia
  • Canada
  • France
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Nepal
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • The Republic of Korea
  • United States
  • Vietnam

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