Home remedy for weight loss: Learn how to prepare the drink at home

  • Fenugreek seeds (methi in Hindi) have a myriad of health benefits ranging from regulating the blood sugar levels to battling digestive problems including loss of appetite, bloating and constipation.
  • However, not a lot of people are aware that this magical methi dana (fenugreek seed) can also help you lose weight. Yes, you read that right.
Methi dana is also packed with a host of essential nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin D, iron, and soluble and insoluble fibres. Hence, fenugreek seeds have been used in various forms to battle a wide range of common ailments. These tiny wondrous seeds can also facilitate weight loss when consumed correctly.

Since fenugreek seeds are loaded with fibres, it helps in curbing your appetite and leave you feeling full for a longer duration of time. Galactomannan, a water-soluble fibre increases the feeling of satiety as it swells up and fills the stomach. This also prevents you from overeating or binge eating.

If you do not mind the bitter taste of fenugreek seeds, you can chew a teaspoon of methi seeds twice a day. Alternatively, you can soak one tablespoon of methi seeds in two glasses of water and leave them overnight. You can drink this concoction on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up, the next day. This will induce a feeling of satiety and fight bloating and other digestive ailments.

If you plan on introducing fenugreek seeds into your diet regularly, we suggest the following method:
1. Heat the fenugreek seeds on a pan
2. Grind the seeds into a fine powder
3. You can mix 1 teaspoon of this powder with warm water and drink it first thing in the morning
4. You can also use this powder in your curries and tea for an enhanced flavour and added health benefits

Remember that methi seeds should be used only in small quantities while preparing herbal concoctions as they are hot in nature. We also advise speaking to a medical practitioner before eating fenugreek supplements in abundance.

This is especially important for pregnant and lactating women as these seeds contain compounds that can stimulate contractions

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