Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): an old-age condition.

"Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH):It's clinical presentation & Treatment" 
          Prostatism is a commonly spoken word among the community and is actually referred to the clinical presentation of a person suffering from urological signs and symptoms which occurs due to enlargement of the prostate gland in male usually after 50yrs of age. The condition affects prostate gland which is present only in males. Ageing is the cause of the condition. Peple usually refers to a doctor for increased frequency of urination, even more during night time. The sufferer usually have a weak stream of urine, feeling of incomplete voiding of urine from bladder in spite of increased frequency of urination.
          The sufferer usually have more chances of getting affected by urinary tract infection which may worsen the condition and may present with inability to pass urine which is called as 'acute urinary retention'. Urgent catheter insertion is needed to relieve the retention in such circumstances.
          For diagnosis of the condition, a doctor usually comes to know about the condition by the typical clinical picture, orders a few investigation like ultrasound & urinary tests.
          Treatment is usually by medicine initially when the condition is not so worse. Various pharmaceutical companies manufacturs medicines under different trade names, but the generic drugs are Tamsulosin and dutasteride, also available in combination.
          Most patients ultimately requires surgical management later on in life, but in early stages can be managed well with medication. Endoscopic surgery is gold standard nowdays and popularly known as TURP(Trans-Urethral Resection of Prostate). The surgery is usually performed by Urosurgeon, or a general surgeon with good endourological skills.

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